Vicarious has never sponsored a film competition before, and as a tiny organization, the task seems a bit daunting, but some ideas will not be ignored. Therefore, I am happy to announce that Vicarious Films is sponsoring a short film competition inspired by the article “Casual Predation” by Arikia Millikan, as published in LadyBits on Medium.
As evidenced by the #yesallwomen thread on Twitter, and the murders in California that inspired it, women live in a different world than men even while side by side with them. Mention certain experiences and all the women in the room will nod their heads in sympathy and recognition, while the men in the room will scratch their heads in puzzlement. The experience of feeling like Prey is one of them.
When I first read this article, I was flooded with so many ideas for making short films that I had no idea how to make just one. I wanted to get this idea out, as a teaching tool, as an expression of a hidden reality that I don’t see represented in mainstream media, despite it being so ubiquitous. I wanted to see what other women filmmakers would choose as their take on the experience, how they would tell this story.
In keeping with Vicarious Film’s mission of providing opportunities for women both in front of and behind the camera, submissions will be required to have majority representation of women in key creative roles.
With the invaluable assistance of the fabulous Diana Chiritescu and Jessica Rothert, Vicarious Films will be launching this, our first short film competition on June 21st, 2014. Details on how to enter the competition will be posted here on June 21st, 2014.
A deep breath, and a leap!
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